Saturday, September 16, 2006

Dublin End

Today have last day in Dublin. Time to flying to Paris. Here is day I leaving behind comrades and finding Europe lonely. I tell you something about my short time here.

Dublin have very extremely many pub. I thinking drink is of religion here. They even have whole area which is a temple to bars. Comrades Bex and Johnny take me to pubs to be initiate. It is actual very nice religion.

Here is comrade Bex and Johnny sitting in pews of Hairy Lemon pub.

They are make me try local vodka. Here vodka even worst than England. This one is black! Stupid Irelands.

I also having able to travel outside of Dublin to side of country. I go to two places: Knowth and Newgrange. These very pretty, and also very old. It seem everything in Europe is old.

At knowth I find where Teletubbies live! But someone tell me it is burial mound. I did not even know Teletubbies is dead. Poor Teletubbies.


  • Oh my son do not being lonely or I cry for you. Aunty Susan and Aunty Suzanne also feeling for you they be eating Persian food at mining place of aboding(i'm being forgetting my motherland recips - of woe oh woe} You will be loving Europe but not be forgetting you be there to invading! From your loving Mote

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 16/9/06 10:59 PM  

  • At last some indegefatable proof of jeaneaology Yah for the scientific breakthrough, you will become an interantional hearo for providing the missing link between middelearth and telletubbitowwn

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 21/9/06 8:00 AM  

  • At last indegetfatible proof of the lost links of jeanealogy, you will become famouse as I believe you have sukksess in finling the joint between middleearth and tellitubbitowwn

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 21/9/06 8:02 AM  

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