Today I take mission to city on out of Madrid call Toledo. It is sit on big hill in middle of no place. It is all brown and have very smaller street that some how is fitting cars to drive. I dont think people must live here, I think it is only theme park for all the many tourist to visit.
I think they are putting speed hump on this street to slow car down. I amaze how car can fit in place here and go so fasting!
Security is very weak in Toledo so it very easy to invade. They also are not leave lighting on so very good for stealthy mission.
Even though Toledo very extremely small city they have very modern advance. I even see that one housing is get radio!
I think people here are very much like the rocking rolling, because here I find statue of man from rock sensational band Kiss.
Local wildlife here must have evolve. I find this animal that camouflage very good into brown city. It very scary!
When are you going to do some invading and conquering?
I want to see some photos of your spoils.
By Anonymous, at 27/9/06 3:04 PM
I am not one to kiss and tell... and certainly not one to kiss, take photos, and publish them on the internet for anonymous commenters :P
By Pyotr, at 27/9/06 9:55 PM
ooooh this is interests muchly! And you thought no one was reading the comments
By Anonymous, at 27/9/06 10:44 PM
Hi Peter,
Annie here. Just a quick note to say this is the best travel blog I have ever read . . . you're awesome. Am so glad Anna sent me the link. Don't know how you're keeping it up . . . but keep it up!
Annie (from California)
By Anonymous, at 28/9/06 4:13 PM
hey man thanks for the postcoaster. i like the fact you got stickers, but i understand if you spending all your amusing comment ability on here....
By Anonymous, at 2/10/06 11:13 PM
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